Friday, January 26, 2007

Another week, past and a new one coming my way. It's been tough as a chairman(chairwoman to some other people in my class) but it has been really really an enjoyable time bonding with them. Just had one of our classmates, Dillon, exchange classes from our class to 1.7. Well... Our class is mainly a very sporty class. And it also has many leaders. Next week there is a tournament for soccer and i'm in the team. There is this special training for the tournament participants representing our school that needs to practice on saturday. But i have BB so i need to tell the teacher- IC for BB to excuse me so i can attend this training...
Doing alot of admin stuff, tiring as i have tuitions almost everyday(mainly replacements), so everyday is like, okay do finish work, sleep... Hardly going to msn, trying my best to talk to my best frenz again after being in different classes with them. Been so busy that even going to the old places that i went last year(bible study) also i can attend irregularly...
PSL andrew has been and will be (i guess) spamming my cbox... Andrew if i c u doing that again, i'll make sure u'll pay................. Who cares anyway... Soccer training... Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. BB-Saturday...alamak go soccer lah, don't go BB yet.
Okay... nothing much to say... bye

Lokey Boy @ 1/26/2007 08:47:00 PM.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

hello everyone! The weekend has come to an end... very sad to me, be'cos it has been raining and pouring everyday and there is no time to play soccer... plus, i have tuition and tuition and more tuition for english, maths and science. I am a very busy person. Today, after church, i had to rush of to united square for lunch as my tuition centre, Learning Lab was there and class started at 1pm(church ends at 12 and we left at 12.20). Thankfully that was the only tuition of the day. But tmr, it will be a busy day for me. I will reach school at 6.45am and finish school at 2.40pm, then go and switch buses at macritchie and take 166/980 to novena square and walk to united square. No going back home. Then, i'll eat my lunch there and have tuition from 4.30pm to 8.15pm... another busy day, followed by tuesday which has soccer 4-6 then tuition at the same place at 7.30pm... rush rush rush...
Well, at least during the weekend i finished everything i was assigned to do for hw. I've been resting since 5pm, preparing for the week ahead and then relaxing and trying to make myself occupied. Watched Liverpool vs Chelsea yesterday. I have to say that jose mourinho did everything wrong. The line-up was terrible, weak defense and you still play 4-3-3. I would play 4-4-2 so that the four midfielders could protect the defense(this is my own opinion). But i would have to say that the 2 goals that liverpool scored were absolutely top draw. Incredible observing by kuyt to go to the open space and shot past the helpless cech. Then came Pennant's wonder goal. Chesting the ball down by Pennant after a weak defensive header by essien, he shots the ball with precision and pace and hits the underside of the crossbar and into the net. Absolute stunner, will we see this in the Arsenal vs Manchester United tonight. Not going to watch the match, my dad is going to record it for me. I need to get some rest for the busy day tmr... Channy wants Arsenal to win, and if they do, that will be one of his happy birthday gifts he would love in his life. his b'day was yesterday(HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANNY!). Well, but i say by the form, man u are just too good for arsenal to handle, even if they have henry.
Been under alot of pressure after being chairman. Taking care of the class key, the behaviour of the class, the guy responsible for the bad behaviour of the class... it's gonna be a long year. ACS(I) has been a bore lately, no real excitement except for recess time where we can play soccer. The lessons are quite uninteresting, the teachers keep on using the projector, so it's boring. Got the contacts for my teacher and by doing that for myself too. Bonding with my classmates is really cool and very enjoyable... Well, can't wait for tommorow? Well, 50-50. okay now i gtg, time to pack and go and slp...haha

Lokey Boy @ 1/21/2007 09:01:00 PM.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It has been a very long time since i posted on my blog. Yu Zi would say that my blog is rotting. Well, i can't say that i disagree or agree wholeheartedly but i can say that i have my reasons not being able to post. Don't believe me, check with toh or yeo'z. This whole month, i would have non-stop tuition. English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science i go for tuition for these subjects.
It has been 3 weeks into the school term, many things discovered and yet to discover in the school. 1st week was a orientation camp, the next 2 weeks were both admin and work. These few weeks i am already very tired and sleep about 10.30pm because of tuition(i can sleep at 9.45pm if there is no tuition). Waking up at 5.45am and starting school at 7.30am, ending school at 2.40pm(except fridays which is at 12.40pm) but you still have to consider CCA, which for me is soccer, tuesday 4-6 and wednesday 3-5. We only have one recess and for me, i need 2.
All the classes had to have a class committee. I was voted to become the class chairman of my class. Unfortunately, being a chairman is not as easy as it sounds, and it is 10 ten times harder than a class monitor's work, and about 4 times tougher and time consuming than being a prefect. School has been a tough time, with my tuitions, school and CCAs jumping around the whole week. I believe i'm the only one in 6F in ACSI that is a class chairman. In ACSI, money is a big matter, losing the class key costs us $75. the worst part is that i'm the key holder, whose job is to lock up the classroom when the whole class is somewhere else.
I have made new friends in my class, friends from primary school, junior, tao nan, fairfield and other schools... The best way we know each other is through non other than... SOCCER!!! Time to talk abt CCAs... in acsi, we must have 2 CCAs(unless you have a valid reason). One UYO and one sports/society/club. I'm planning to join BB and of course i'm already in soccer. My class is tough to control. Being a small kid compared to the bigger secondary 1s in my class, they like talk as if they can't hear or see me. It is soo tough. But when a teacher comes, at least they are quick to stand up and keep quiet and then greet the teacher. So no teacher, make alot of noise, got teacher, make very little noise. final answer:Chairmans never control class. My teachers are nice, fun and also can be slightly boring, depending on which topic or subject.
Tuition is a new problem for me now. As some of you know, learning lab is a tuition centre that you have to attend the whole year(including holidays), if you miss one, u must make up. That is why i'm very busy but in feburary, the amt of make up lessons will drop... As for the gathering, i'm too busy to even think about it right now so maybe ms tan u could consider yu zi or someone else's house cos yu zi's house has no kinda like a place to play soccer...
Oh well, it's getting late, waiting for my dad to reach home then i'll go to sleep... kk gtg!!!

Lokey Boy @ 1/18/2007 10:07:00 PM.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Till this day, i'm wondering... what is my learning style? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What am i good at and what i am bad in. These things will only be answered when time goes by. people will obviously say, "Gabriel, you're good in soccer!" Well, i'm not. Compared to other people, i'm just someone that is lousy in that sport. But the love for that sport made me a better person in that sport. The only thing that knows how to answer these questions correctly is truly non other than God Himself, the Creator that created everything around us and of course, even ourselves. He has a plan for each of us, from the nano-second that we were born, to the last breath that we take.
Tomorrow will be the start of a new chapter in our lives. From the foundational education in primary school, we need to prepare our minds and hearts to meet the challenges of a more intense and stressful secondary life. Forget about the PSLE scores that we got, like what daniel shim(a score of 261, missing the scholarship mark by just 1 mark) said. Get up and do your best in everything that you do. Nabeel, don't worry about not being able to get into ACS(I). Don't let this setback discourage you. Failure is truly failure when we let it bring us down and discourages us to press forward. True success is when we learn from our mistakes and setbacks and persevere to work harder and achieve our goals! Remember, it is not a 100m dash but a marathon that we are running. SO PRESS ON!!! The finishing line is the last breath that we take and along this run, there are many obstacles along the way. This marathon is special, there are many shortcuts that we can take, and because of that, harder and harsher obstacles that we have to face.
Tomorrow will be like the first day of school, when everyone doesn't know most of the students in his/her class. We have to be able to get to know each other and also be good and trustworthy friends. Don't just stay with the friends that we made in Primary School, but also get to relate with the classmates new to us. Not being with any of my good friends, it is tough for me but i know that i will be able to get new friends in my class.
This chapter is not just of our secondary school life, but also our teenage life when we have to really have a lot of self-control. We will have to control our feelings and think twice before saying something bad to our friends or family. There will be full of defiance if we do not control our feelings so please be mindful of what you say and do(same goes for me, haha). This is why i urge each and every one of us to have a very strong bond with our family members.
I'll be bringing just all the forms that we have to hand up tomorrow and my pencil box too. We would just need to wear our school uniform only. there won't be any activities where we need to wear our PE attire. I wish everyone all the best and of course, HAPPY HARI RAYA HAJI!!!!!!!

Lokey Boy @ 1/02/2007 08:37:00 PM.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Hi everyone, firstly i am terribly sorry for me not posting since i came back from my mission trip. I thank those who have gone to my blog day after day, waiting patiently for my new post! Haiz... so many things have changed ever since i came back from my trip. I got over my bad score of 244 and thought of the positive aspects of the score. It taught me that i need to study hard to achieve good marks. I wish all of you God bless and do well and achieve your goals.
I'm in class 1.1 in ACS(I). I got some friends there. I got a friend from Tao Nan coming in to ACSI. He's in 1.5. Sadly Nabeel got rejected by Ong Teck Chin. He took soccer, a non-core CCA. Oh well, we have to face reality. Don't worry Nabeel, we'll still keep in touch! God bless you in Barker...
Just to let you guys know for those who are going to Independent, there is school bus service provided only in the morning. Haiz... Wednesday to Saturday is time for Discovery Camp. Need a sponsor for my tablet PC... budget is soo tight. But i know that with God's help that my family will get through this time. Bought a new pair of boots(total 93) and a soccer ball(size 5, lotto). Going to our teenage lives will be a challenge and will be needing a lot of self-control.
It has always been a memorable experience at the blessing home each year when we go for our mission trip. With God, we managed to mix up sand, stones and cement and of course water to connect the boys' dorm with the dining hall. When we thought we would finish it in 3 days, we finished it in 1 day! Praise the Lord. We interacted with the Lahu kids and played and played and played. I played basketball most of the time and i improved my skills too!!!
My sister also stepped on a cup accidentally and broked it and she had a deep cut on her foot(because it happened at the chapel and we are not supposed to wear our shoes in the chapel). She had 3 stitches but she is okay now. The hand of God was really on her. Made alot of friends not just with the Lahu kids but also those in the Singaporean team. I felt that we were a blessing to the kids at the home and also they were a blessing to us.
Going back to Singapore was both a happy and sad thing. We wanted to stay at the blessing home and play with them everyday. We also wanted to see our parents in Singapore. It has always been a better and better time with the kids. Those who want to go there, the date is not confirmed for this year yet as it is still early.
I wish all of you Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year

Lokey Boy @ 1/01/2007 09:12:00 PM.

+_________FrEnZ ]

+ Class 6F 2006 ]
+ Lionel Tan ]
+ Daryl Er ]
+ Jason Lam ]
+ Deon ]
+ Yu Zi ]
+ Yu Zi's 2nd blog ]
+ Ms Tan ]
+ Danyal ]
+ Justin Mao ]
+ Jeremy Wong ]
+ Jeanne ]
+ Sabina ]
+ Nerine ]
+ Abigail ]
+ Nicole Toh ]
+ Julienne ]
+ Youtube ]

+_________FoNdMeMoRiEs ]

November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
October 2007

+_________MuSiC vIdEoS ]

+ Mighty To Save-Hillsong ]
+ How Great Is Our Great-Chris Tomlin ]
+ At The Cross-Hillsong ]
+ With All I Am-Hillsong ]
+ Majesty-Hillsong United ]
+ Blessed Be Your Name-Matt Redman ]
+ Always-Hillsong United ]
+ Still-Hillsong ]
+ Heart Of Worship-Matt Redman ]
+ Obvious-Westlife ]
+ You Raise Me Up-Westlife ]
+ I Want It That Way-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Shape Of My Heart-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Flying Without Wings-Westlife ]
+ Bad Day-Daniel Powter ]
+ Just The Girl-Click 5 ]
+ Burn-Usher ]
+ Can't Help Falling In Love-A*Teens ]
+ Upside Down-A*Teens ]

+_________TaLkInGpOiNt ]