Thursday, November 30, 2006

You know, lately i have been thinking about this topic, friends. Yes, friends are those that hang around with you and have lots of fun with you. But are they true friends? Ask yourself that question. I find that some people are friends with you because you have things like money and other things. Friends through times together and how long we've known each other make them our good or even best friends. I got some friends that over some things that i asked him and he gave me the solution to it, became my best friend almost instantly(obviously we knew each other but we were not so close as of now).
Let me give you an example, i had a best friend when i was in primary 4. His name was Nabeel. He was my best friend because of us being in the soccer CCA. By year end, he was just a normal friend. Why? well... back then he threw tantrums over the smallest things. But now, he is a more matured person. When i got my PSLE results, i was disappointed and Nabeel saw that i was sad. He was very concerned for me as i was to him, a very close friend. He did something that i didn't expect a friend to do to me when i'm down. He called me during lunch and encouraged me. He didn't talk to me when we were together with other friends, he didn't sms me but he CALLED me to encourage me when he was in Vivo City going to watch a movie with his friends. Thinking, i was very touched and told myself, i am really grateful to have such a friend like that.
I have many friends. Some are those who are really close, while the others are just normal friends. Deon, Daryl and Wen Shien are some of my best friends. They helped me, talked to me and we hanged out. We were like brothers(in my opinion). Yes, we teased each other at times but we didn't let that affect our bond as best friends. I am very happy because of that.
I used to agree with my best friends with everything they said because they were my best friend. If I didn't feel the same way as them, i wouldn't say what i want to say if not i was afraid that would hurt our friendship. Now, if i could, i would go back in time and tell them what i feel. I am bossy. I would always think that i'm right. But i would also lend a listening ear to my friends and see if they have better ideas than i do. We do things that sometimes people dislike. I have done that before. I have teased someone over a matter too much that sometimes they feel very hurt. To us it is a joke but sometimes others feel embarrassed, sad and angry because of what you have said about them.
So we all need to be emphathetic and think about the consequences before what you say or do. Sometimes saying something might affect the private life of your friends so do not do things that i have done last time. We do things that is wrong because we're not perfect. But always strive to do good and even when doing something the wrong way is much much easier, we must always have a passion to do good and not evil.

Lokey Boy @ 11/30/2006 09:04:00 PM.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

haiz... this isn't the normal way of starting ur post but... haiz... means 'sigh...' so i'm showing some feeling here... looking back... before the psle results came out, my classmates and i were happy, talking away, having fun during the day(not including during school hours). But now some of us are starting to study... let's see, i am doing work already(don't blame my dad, i got a busy december schedule so i'm starting work now)... deon is doing work, lester, hakim this saturday(baking a CAKE!!! home and geography too)... well... this is all our own sake so don't feel sorry for us!(okay... maybe a tincy wincy bit would do just fine)
I haven't heard anything about my grandma's condition but my dad said yesterday that her condition is not so serious(under observation only). I would like to thank all of you who have prayed for her. We have faith in God that he will heal her soon.
Just now at about... 5.45pm... i went down to my condo's field and played with my friend who is in the National U-15... He's super pro... his volleys are low, hard and powerful. He tells me the techniques... how to cross properly, outrunning someone. Asked me to train on my shots(he says my shots are too weak(well... that's true)... kk gtg now

Lokey Boy @ 11/29/2006 08:58:00 PM.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today, i still continued my working schedule as planned. Work, work and work, but also some breaks here and there...
Today, Wen Shien left for Tasmania, Australia at 3pm. he will be back on the 9th of December so he will not be on msn from now till then. Deon has also bought a new pair of adidas boots worth $79, lucky him... well then, deon, i want you to train harder and play well with that pair of new boots. He also managed to watch 3 movies in a week! He is so fortunate! I have never even watched 2 movies in a week(not that i remember).
Something sad happened today. My Grandma is suffering from pneumonia. Pneumonia is a deadly disease where your lungs are infected and you cannot breathe properly. Please keep my grandma in your prayers and ask God to keep her safe from harm. I thank you for your prayers in advance. She is now being hospitalised.... kk gtg now

Lokey Boy @ 11/28/2006 09:02:00 PM.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Today was the start of the busy working week before the youth camp on the 2nd of December. Studying hard today, reading of dictionaries, storybooks, referrence books and did a few mind maps for biology. 4 mind maps in 3h, how good is that?(if you don't believe me try it yourself) Started at 11am sharp and ended at 5pm sharp, finished earlier than expected so i rested for the rest of the day... I just finished the last episode of a chinese tv series so i am posting later.
I stayed up late last night till this morning at 2am to watch the match between Manchester United vs Chelsea. The match ended with a draw at 1-1. Exciting match indeed. Man Utd dominated the 1st half and Chelsea responded by dominating in the 2nd half. There were chances for both sides but Man Utd drew first blood with Saha scoring a perfect strike outside the box into the bottom left corner just before the half hour mark. In the 2nd half, Chelsea equalised at the hour mark with a corner by Frank Lampard and Ricardo Carvalho rose up to head the ball into the net, with Saha's help along the way. But Saha's goal would be this EPL 2006/2007 goal of the season contender, alongside with Drogba's stunner against Liverpool. kk now, i gtg

Lokey Boy @ 11/27/2006 11:09:00 PM.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

As a sunday, it is a rest day. But for me... well today was not rest day but schedule day. You see, i have to prepare for my secondary school early as my december holidays is occupied with a youth camp and a mission trip. So i had to prepare my schedule for this week before my youth camp which is from the 2nd to the 5th of december. So please do not except me to be on msn for a long time, if i might be on.
And i would like to wish wen shien a safe journey to tasmania, australia. Wish tt u have a great time there. Congrats to deon who has finally gotten his own pair of soccer boots. Well, there's nothing else for me to say now cos nothin interesting happened todae. kk gtg

Lokey Boy @ 11/26/2006 09:33:00 PM.

Friday, November 24, 2006

the day after the psle results... some are sad, others... happy, overjoyed. While others have mixed feelings, like me. Yes I do feel sad for not getting the results that i desired. But at least i am contented that i managed to get into ACS(I). Other people like jason lam, caleb might be going to ACS(BR). i wish all the best and that we will keep in touch via msn and email. We will meet one last time during the posting on December 21.
I have started preparing for the next year. All those who have not, please start soon by reading textbooks from your relatives as they might have included several notes that might help understand what the textbook tells you in a simpler way. Please to those who want to expand their knowledge for languages, i recommend that you read the dictionary(30-50 words a day).
I hope that those who feel down about your results, remember this, failure is the mother of success. Learn from your mistakes. Do not give up, try and try. Ask if you need to.

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed." ~Lloyd Jones. Wish all of you guys all the best for the future. okay i gtg now

Lokey Boy @ 11/24/2006 08:27:00 PM.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today, i got my PSLE results back. I was very very very very .......... disappointed with my score. i got 244/300. when i got the marks, i was so sad. i lost to pupils tt i should've beaten and when my friends predicted that i would be the top ten of the mainstream, i didn't. one of my friends tt didn't even study as hard as i did, beat me by four marks.
But, i will learn from my mistake and work harder next year. To all Primary Six pupils this year, the start of secondary skool will be 2 or 3 times more intensifying. what's more, we're learning 8 subjects... congratulations to daryn koh, hua yang, shimmy, keithy, deon, darls, toh and joshua chan, who finally got the same score as me since Well... i hope tt all of us, no matter what score we have for PSLE, to get ready and be prepared for next yr, the start of the new chapter of our education.
People said tt 244 is a veri veri gd score. For me, whose potential is much higher that can reach 260, is a veri veri bad score. oh well, what's done is done.
Remember... failure is the mother of success. Learn from your mistakes and don't make it again in the future. Then your parents, GOD and your earthly parents will be proud of you... okay now, i gtg

Lokey Boy @ 11/23/2006 08:15:00 PM.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hello everyone, todae we as scheduled went to cineleisure to watch 'The Covenant'. It is kinda... sick, action-packed, horrifying(for my type of person). The last part was the most exciting and i think tt those who can watch abit of horror type of shows can watch this movie. There were many movies to choose from but yu zi specifically chose this movie. I wanted to watch 'Happy Feet' but juz insisted with the movie, so we all gave in to him. Well, toh was also going to watch 'Casino Royale' during the wkend b4 leaving to Tasmania, Australia. Overall, i rate the movie 3 stars out of 5 stars
After the movie, we ate at Yoshinoya for our lunch and after tt we browsed thru the shops in the shopping centre. We actually thought of going to Takashimaya, which at Kinokuniya. but deon's dad quarantined deon to cineleisure onli so we were veri disappointed with tt. But at least deon could gain a bit more of his dad's trust so he could allow deon to go anywhere he wants with us.
Tomorrow is our big day................... PSLE results day. Wish all the best to all Primary 6s tt we will all do well!
Another thing tt happened this morning was tt Celtic won Man Utd 1-0. I was not say so shocked by the result but after i heard from my dad tt Saha missed a penalty in the last min, i was totally shocked. I watched the highlights for the match and the free-kick that Shisuke Nakamura scored was a stunner-near post top right hand corner. but there shouldn't have been a free-kick. Vidic who tackled a Celtic player, missed the ball completely and also missed the player. the Celtic player then dived! how dishonest is tt. The FIFA should really put in video technology to make sure if the foul is correct or not. kk gtg now...

Lokey Boy @ 11/22/2006 06:02:00 PM.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

hello everyone... today i managed to finish letter A of the dictionary and it comprised of 96 PAGES!!! i am so happy! HOORAY!!!! XD... and todae my dad came back safely from Kuantan, Malaysia. my friend, yu zi, arranged with me, toh and yeos to go to cineleisure for the movie, The Covenant. after tt, we're going for lunch at the food court there and then we're going home... kk can't w8 for tmr... kk gtg

Lokey Boy @ 11/21/2006 08:09:00 PM.

Monday, November 20, 2006

hi everyone... ever since last wk, i was looking for a new blogskin to replace my old one and i finally got one. i know tt all of u muz be thinking, Naruto again! but all the sunset pictures and the others were just not nice get what i mean. So now i get this blogskin and i am satisfied with this and i aso added some songs that will link you to the music videos in youtube. Well i hope you will enjoy my blog now tt u nid not scroll down to the bottom juz to write in the cbox...if u get wad i mean...XD
Today is the start of the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!:)...but this thursday... is PSLE results... super-duper anxious... wish all of the primary sixes gd luck and God's blessings. Lately, I have been readin up for next yr... now i'm looking through the dictionary for both english and chinese and juz finished reading geog, going to read up history tmr... kk gtg now bb

Lokey Boy @ 11/20/2006 05:56:00 PM.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I was very tired after coming home at 10pm yesterday so i couldn't post so now let me tell you what happened... It was my dad's company's flag day(Eagles Communications). My Mum and I went there to count the money. When the first few bags came in, we cut open the bags and dropped the coins and notes into one of the baskets. Did you know one student had the bag with just 2 5-cent coins in it! OMG!!! from 7.30am till 11.30am(4 hours) i mean come on even a primary 1 boy could do better than him/her.
At about 3pm, my friend, Benjamin, one of my dad's colleague and i went to the streets too to persuade ppl to donate. We went to Raffles Place to take the train down to Junction 8 at Bishan but little did we noe tt there were Raffles Girls students stationed there. So we then went to Ang Mo Kio. We went to the big space next to Jubilee to ask the people there to donate. Some people were generous, will some ppl were not. At 6pm, we stopped and went to Mos Burger to eat our dinner. We were so happy to sit on the cushion seats there. We then headed back after eating dinner. In 3h, i collected a total of $30.60... i was so happy!!! Once we came back at 10pm, i quickly washed up and by 11pm i slept... kk gtg now

Lokey Boy @ 11/19/2006 04:58:00 PM.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

hi again... sry haven't been posting lately... so lazy to post and sian too. Haiz, todae my frenz and i suppposed to have fun cos we are going on an excursion to East Coast. But then... the stupid b0On ch!Ng say the haze is too bad for the excursion so it was called off... stupid fool! i sit on u then u noe arh! and something marvellous happened todae... the g@y juz said that i am a GAY!!!!!!!!!!! how cool is tt... kk gtg now

Lokey Boy @ 11/15/2006 08:24:00 PM.

Monday, November 13, 2006

todae was a special day for me... i got 2 awards... one for mathematics and another one for prefect councillor... i am so proud!!! can't wait for wednesday...going east coast park, and going to play soccer as we normally do...kk now i'm going to eat dinner... cya tmr!

Lokey Boy @ 11/13/2006 08:52:00 PM.

Friday, November 10, 2006

well todae was an unusual day...we got a "hi-tea" organised by the skool and prepared by the parents...the gifts were nice, but the FOOD?! so little! one tray of each... how can abt 300 ppl be full. well todae aso sang with deon amazing by westlife... so lame lah, my mike was pitched so high tt i had a squeaky voice... embarrassing u noe?! Overall out of 5 i gif 2... so so...haiz gtg now cya...

Lokey Boy @ 11/10/2006 09:06:00 PM.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

hello everyone... well todae at skool, toh, deon, zi and i went to accompany dominic poh... he was so naughty todae, fan si arh! But, so happy, honours day receiving 2 awards... YES!!! watched akeelah and the bee and a bit of king kong... the 1st movie was so nice lor, both touching and exciting. i can't wait for tmr, scavenger hunt, so sad juz 1 1/2 hr and a hi-tea. well time to study again...cya!

Lokey Boy @ 11/09/2006 05:13:00 PM.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today is a holiday only for my school. haiz...preparing for next year, well...nowhere to go recently. Organising a gathering with my frenz... Reading Geog, dictionaries...haha, doing work when i can play all day... well i am playing too. Please Tag my blog and study hard! gtg now...muz continue studying....

Lokey Boy @ 11/08/2006 04:27:00 PM.

Hello everyone! I just created this new blog. Trying to find out if this is nice. I will try my best to post i hope you can tag my blog...=)

Lokey Boy @ 11/08/2006 11:28:00 AM.

+_________FrEnZ ]

+ Class 6F 2006 ]
+ Lionel Tan ]
+ Daryl Er ]
+ Jason Lam ]
+ Deon ]
+ Yu Zi ]
+ Yu Zi's 2nd blog ]
+ Ms Tan ]
+ Danyal ]
+ Justin Mao ]
+ Jeremy Wong ]
+ Jeanne ]
+ Sabina ]
+ Nerine ]
+ Abigail ]
+ Nicole Toh ]
+ Julienne ]
+ Youtube ]

+_________FoNdMeMoRiEs ]

November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
October 2007

+_________MuSiC vIdEoS ]

+ Mighty To Save-Hillsong ]
+ How Great Is Our Great-Chris Tomlin ]
+ At The Cross-Hillsong ]
+ With All I Am-Hillsong ]
+ Majesty-Hillsong United ]
+ Blessed Be Your Name-Matt Redman ]
+ Always-Hillsong United ]
+ Still-Hillsong ]
+ Heart Of Worship-Matt Redman ]
+ Obvious-Westlife ]
+ You Raise Me Up-Westlife ]
+ I Want It That Way-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Shape Of My Heart-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Flying Without Wings-Westlife ]
+ Bad Day-Daniel Powter ]
+ Just The Girl-Click 5 ]
+ Burn-Usher ]
+ Can't Help Falling In Love-A*Teens ]
+ Upside Down-A*Teens ]

+_________TaLkInGpOiNt ]