Thursday, October 04, 2007

hello ppl... a long time... it's been 3 months? haha so long... so long so long so long... haha!
Wow, exams have come and will be gone soon... everything's coming and going... i wanted to post many times but what do you know... too lazy to post... i just saw my blog and saw the demand of a post so oh well post lor... Just had my first 2 exam papers today... English compo and History...
English was quite tough... but i started with the newspaper report then the actual compo, qn 4, write a time when a friend influenced you to become a better person... i was rushing for time, afraid that i might not have enough time. But what do you know... 3 1/2 pages for newspaper report and 5 pages for compo... i finished with 20 min remaining... maybe writing quickly really is good... giving you time to check and slack...
History was quite a breeze, only 1-2 qn made me unsure... i was so happy... gonna get A1 again i hope... oh well i studied and God did guide me so PRAISE THE LORD!
tomorrow's english compre and lit... memorising quotes of novel... wah this one must rush man... i take too long to write for lit... cos i just write too much, must have more time management... oh well, hope can do well... if not i dunno what happens... it's do or DIE!!!!!!!!
i celebrated my bday on 1st Sept... quite fun, had friends from my class play basketball despite the puddles of water and Ken was so funny, spectacles coming off when he shot the ball... so funny! it was an enjoyable day...
Church has been an enjoyable experience, getting to appreciate my friends and God... it's more fun, more interactive, making me feel better and also getting to help in the 10.30 kindergarten service has made me learn about patience and that fun is indeed a thing that helps you cheer up... Hope that i will fully enjoy my time at BRMC and not waste my morning there but allow me to grow with God more... oh well... i'll stop here... supposed to be mugging (studying)... too many quotes... zhe me ban?! i will still persevere... i'm gonna do well for lit! ARHHHHHH!!! CHARGE!! (don't know y i said that)

Lokey Boy @ 10/04/2007 05:43:00 PM.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hi everyone! it's been a long time since i posted... haha. How's your first week of school? Boring? Exciting? Or just the plain old Normal? Anyway, today's my dad's bday. We ate at Imperial Palace for dinner. it was really good, with interesting ingredients put together to become a wonderful sumptuous feast. I really had a good time there.
You know i feel that our spiritual life is like a bun. There are many types but the worst type of bun i believe is a stale piece of bread, while the best type is crispy on the outside, and soft and warm on the inside. The outer layer is the way we act, while the inner portion is the way we think. I know that we like to eat bread that is really nice to eat, especially the crispy and soft kind of bread. People want to eat these sort of bread, just like people and God want to hear you speak to them about God and they might also want to given some advice. People enjoy hearing people who give very good pointers on how to solve your problems. That is what makes your life have a 'crispy' edge.
Being soft and warm on the inside is dealing with the heart. Do you really mean what you say? are you a hot, cold or lukewarm christian? Is your apology sincere? Only 2 people know what is the answers. They are yourself and of course GOD. God knows your every breath, every move, and he would obviously know your heart. The Holy Spirit is in us and wants us to do the right thing. So God would really want you to be a soft and warm bun, that means showing sincerity, honesty, openess, letting God into your heart. When you give advice, you must also show that you do what you preach to be right. (i'm sorry if you don't understand, doing my best... haha)
Being the worst bread to eat is the stale bread. Hard on the outside, and cold and hard on the inside. The outside shows rebellion, dishonesty, shows a cold person who isn't a child of God. The person doesn't give good advice, but leads ppl the wrong way. The cold and hard portion shows insincerity, dishonesty, giving rotten advice, leaving God outside,not allowing him to enter.
How would you judge yourself? You could be in the middle. But as worthy Christians, we must not just be at that standard. We want to be like Jesus, the only human to be free of sin on Earth. Repent when you do wrong, and you will be like Jesus, a crispy and soft bun that every person that eats it will treasure the taste. Yes you might say I want to work to become a crispy and soft bun but do not just say it, show it in your actions. Actions DO speak louder than words. So i urge you to work towards being a hot child of God, so that your name might be entered into the book of life and be allowed to enter heaven and have ETERNAL LIFE!!!

Lokey Boy @ 7/01/2007 10:22:00 PM.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

HAHA! Today was really funny. Today nerine and i planned to go for a jog at macritchie. So at the meeting point, i met hao yi, who wanted to see me go off... lol. So it was 2pm (the meeting time). so we waited and talked, waited and talked. We saw every single bus go past us, but was NERINE THERE? NOOOOOO... she WASN'T! lol i'm just exaggerating! IT'S FUNNY!!!! So we walked to a bus stop before that bus stop that we met. Was she there? Nope... So we waited 40mins!!! Then hao yi received an sms from nerine cos i asked him to send a sms to her asking her where she was. Where was she? She just finished her tuition!!!! WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! She was seriously lame... saying it was last min. But it was funny anyway... so i walked back home from macritchie...
Well waiting needs patience. We wait for Jesus to come back down to Earth and save us from our sin again when he most likely dies on the cross. (Well He'll just die from something horrible to save us!!! HEHE!!!) So since the time of Paul to the year 2007, the long awaited arrival still hasn't come. He will come soon. He promised. So that's why we need to be patient. If we aren't, we'll complain about why he isn't here yet. If we're like this, we aren't good children of God. If we do this, we need to ask God for forgiveness.
God is waiting for us too. In Revelations 3:20 says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Jesus is waiting for us to allow us to open our heart to Him. He wants to live in you and guide you in every choice, giving you advice to whether what you're doing is a good thing or bad thing. So wait upon the Lord. He is your rock and your salvation! Lean on Him. He is trustworthy, loving, forgiving, holy. You can share anything with Him. He will help you in any situation. I hope that you'll let him go into your heart and search you from within and open your door to him and welcome Him with open arms!

Lokey Boy @ 6/21/2007 08:29:00 PM.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Woo Hoo!!! Wow! It's been a long but fun day for me today. Going out with friends to play bowling and watch Fantastic 4 (again... but it's okay) then go to Joel's house for dinner and some games...
Well, everything is alright, people have been asking me whether they can copy my chinese work... HAHA!!! Going to get serious now, preparing for the new term! 5 more days till going back to school!
Problems are everywhere. God gives you problems to test you and give you experience too! When you overcome these challenges you gain experience and know how to deal with these sort of situations. haha nothing to say now...
How you go through these problems.
1) seek help--ask your fellow friends or family members what they would do in these sort of situations. Ask those that have been through these sort of problems. But remember, ALWAYS ask God for help, if you don't ask God personally, you will take a longer time to get through the problem than not asking Him for help at all.
2) Share your problems-- Yes by telling your fellow friends and family members, you actually have to share your problems. If it's about your friends then share it with someone else before confronting the problem and talk to your friend that you have a problem with. Don't share things to your friends that you think aren't trustworthy because the problems you share are personal things. If you aren't in good relations with your family, or don't trust them so much, tell your trustworthy friends instead.
God will always be listening to you. He knows what you'll say even before you say anything. Sharing your problems with Him is the best as He will tell you suggestions through many things, example, the Bible, teachers, pastors, etc. So tell Him your problems and He will help you no matter what. He is your father! So share your problems, do what you think is right, keeping the burden to yourself and you will soon not be able to carry your load OR sharing your problems and burdens with your friends and family. The CHOICE IS YOURS!

Lokey Boy @ 6/19/2007 11:28:00 PM.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Well, there is 1 week left in the school holidays... Have you finished your homework yet? In my opinion, you guys should start preparing for term 3! Well i have to do finish some preparations and have to study hard.
On Sunday i went out with my 11 other church friends to go see Fantastic 4 at Plaza Singapura. We had an enjoyable and worthwhile experience. I was like so called 'in charge' of everyone as i organised this meeting. Like for instance when Nerine and Abigail stopped to look at the things that shop selled, I had to track back and tell them to next time tell me or someone so that they alert us to slow down and wait for them... haha. I was really a bit tired when i came home, maybe cos of that. We ate lunch at burger king and i was so hungry despite eating BK chicken sandwich UPSIZE!!! it was just too little i felt. I thought there was a food court and i was gearing up to eat Korean Food and something else but i couldn't find it and when i saw it on the 2nd top level, i was DEVASTATED!!! I wasted my money on a burger when i could've enjoyed a sumptuous meal of korean food!!! Anyway, we then spent time loitering around and the boys and girls splitted up to do what we wanted to do and Hao Yi, Mao and I were stoning as we couldn't think of what to do and where to go. (Well it was mainly me who was stoning... tried to kill time). Then after a while, Tye and Hao Zhong arrived. But as i was hungry, i ate Korean Food(Beef Set) when Hao Zhong came, Tye came soon after... Anyway, soon it was time for the movie and i was very happy that it was finally the start of the movie. I sat beside Hao Yi (i was at the corner)... And then David sat with Nerine... haha... Nerine before that betted with Jeanne that if David sat next to her, Nerine will pay jeanne $2, but if he sat somewhere else instead of next to her, Jeanne will pay Nerine $2... so Nerine lost but Jeanne said it was okay to pay... lol!!!
Well, it was fun being there, increasing our bond as one grp of siblings in the name of Christ. We need to show people what Christian values really are. I feel that as children of God, we must follow what God wants us to do and not disobey them when we are tested with challenges. We have to be firm, think before we act, don't choose the wrong path. Yes, we aren't perfect but we have to strive for better results, and that result is to be as perfect as we can be. When someone has problems, like when they fall down, we pick them up. It's simple really. But when you choose to ignore him and walk away, this isn't the way that we should act and we will be punished for our sinful deed.
We need to do what is right. We shouldn't let the voices of man, world and Satan influence us as the ultimate result of listening to them is--- DEATH! But if we listen to God, who created us, who sent His Son to die for our sins, will save us and prevent us from getting into hell but instead going to HEAVEN!!! So we should not say No to God but say Yes to what He says. Do your best to say Yes to God. If you say No, repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you and ask Him to let you start a new life. Strive to BE LIKE JESUS, though we are sinners, we are still children of God. We are like Jesus, who is the Son of God. So let God be your ruler. Don't let the likes of iPods, computer games, pumpkins, handphones, Nintendo's... Whatever you name it, make you worship it. Give them all to God, worship God alone. Don't let anything get in the way from Him and you.
Matthew 4:17 "... Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." So go and repent of your sins, for God and Jesus are waiting for you. Confess to the Lord. Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." So now confess that you believe in God wholeheartedly and don't break that promise! For if you confess, YOU WILL BE SAVED!!!! God Bless you all and have a pleasant week ahead

Lokey Boy @ 6/18/2007 09:36:00 PM.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

hi everyone... 1 day passes quickly doesn't it. I had soccer training today, then went to the cage to play football with jon ong and his friends. Then i got lost cos i couldn't find transport but God made a way out and now i'm home!
God really is graceful. I took public transport from my house to the cage at kallang. When i went to the bus stop that i stopped at, i found out that the bus that i was supposed to take wasn't there. Strange right? So i took the bus that was available, 16, orchard and changed bus to go home! Isn't it amazing? how God's love for us is so great that he will provide a way out from whatever problems we face? I felt God's presence when i was lost. We are like the lost sheep waiting to be found. We wander around, trying to see but we can't because we don't see God clearly. But with God's power and love, we manage to see clearly again and enjoy the peace and harmony God has showered on us each and every day.
Finding a way out is a challenge. We must do our best to overcome it. So we pray and trust God that he will provide a way out for us, no matter what problem. Be it temptation, current problems, etc. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
This reminds me of a song:
God will make a way
When there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to his side
With Love and Strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way
God makes a way out for us... how serious it is. Sometimes when you don't choose to go that way, the problem will get serious and soon it will be worse and you might not be able it to handle the problem anymore. What will you do if you were tempted? Will you say NO! or maybe say Yes!!! Please! I understand that you guys enjoy and long for earthly things. But these things cause addiction and these things might make you worship them and you will break the commandment "Thou shall only worship the Lord your God" I tell you this, enjoy these things, you can say yes to your desires but control them, don't make them control you!!!
Love is essential. You get it from God everyday, all the time. Especially in happy and problematic times does His love stand out. You see Him holding your hand, walking with you and working together with you to solve the problem. We see His love through many people. Be it your mom, your dad, your siblings, friends, strangers, anyone will show you his/her love when he/she does something that is good. Show love to your loved ones. Acknowledge the love that they give to you by thanking them and showing your undying love for them as well. Our parents shower us with their unconditional love. Show them that you acknowledge them. Say 'I love you' to them. Make them feel that they have a wonderful child that they will enjoy having.
In Mark 12:30, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you r soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." How do you show this love for God? Yes worship Him, pray to Him. But i feel that we should love our neighbours as ourselves. This really shows our love for God. As God created all of us humans, He is within us as the Holy Spirit, so not loving friends, and other people means in short, not loving God. So LOVE EVERYONE!!! GOD CREATED US TO LOVE EACH OTHER, NOT TO HURT ONE ANOTHER!!!

Lokey Boy @ 6/14/2007 08:05:00 PM.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Well, 1 day gone, it's drawing closer to school term 3. What have you guys been doing? i've finished my hw, going to prepare soon. You guys must finish your hw by this week, best!
Anyway now that i've said this, continuing from yesterday's topic, by being a real friend, when others are in trouble, help them out, find out if they're okay, ask them to tell you about their problems so that their heart won't be heavily burdened. If they don't want to talk to you, it's okay. Take things one step at a time. 'Slow and Steady will WIN the race'. Be patient, patience is a character that must be practiced if you are a child of God. Whenever you find that your friend is a bit different than usual, pray for him. Ask God to take away any sin or whatever he/she is having a hard time to deal with. That will do good to your friend! Trust me, no TRUST GOD!
God has a plan in each of our lives, yes you have a choice but no matter what, there is always consequences, Good ones and most of them BAD ones. These are challenges, how we face it depends on our reliance and faith in God, asking him for help and guidiance to light our paths to be able to overcome these problems. Take for example me. I've been having a quarrel with my classmate for the past approximately 3 months! But on tuesday, i apologised for being a bad child in God and listening to the voice of Satan in my head and heart instead of hearing what the Lord is trying to speak to us! When friendships are tested, work things out with your friend, God is always beside you, whether thick or thin.
Being a friend shows that you love the person, that you will try your best to help your friend. No matter what happens, you will be there for him/her. If they have family issues, advise them to talk things out, don't go directly because it can hurt sensitive ppl. I know that you guys know that you will be careful but please, this is a very important reminder for you. I hope that you will take my advice seriously.

And for the friends with the problems, if your friends come and ask you if you are all right, you can say that you are alright but your tone will show that you aren't. So just talk to your friend, they will be all ears, they will do their best to understand but even if they do not, they will still be by your side, no matter what. So please explain it to them, lift that heavy burden off your shoulders and share it with your friend, God will always be with you too, but you also need your friends to help sometimes too. You have friends, treasure them. If you don't, they can vanish into thin air and you might not be able to see them again. So make use of this time to increase that bond of friendship. Challenges tighten that bond! Overcome it and be better and stronger childs, brothers and sisters in Christ. DO YOUR BEST AND LET GOD DO THE REST!!!

Lokey Boy @ 6/13/2007 07:58:00 PM.

+_________FrEnZ ]

+ Class 6F 2006 ]
+ Lionel Tan ]
+ Daryl Er ]
+ Jason Lam ]
+ Deon ]
+ Yu Zi ]
+ Yu Zi's 2nd blog ]
+ Ms Tan ]
+ Danyal ]
+ Justin Mao ]
+ Jeremy Wong ]
+ Jeanne ]
+ Sabina ]
+ Nerine ]
+ Abigail ]
+ Nicole Toh ]
+ Julienne ]
+ Youtube ]

+_________FoNdMeMoRiEs ]

November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
October 2007

+_________MuSiC vIdEoS ]

+ Mighty To Save-Hillsong ]
+ How Great Is Our Great-Chris Tomlin ]
+ At The Cross-Hillsong ]
+ With All I Am-Hillsong ]
+ Majesty-Hillsong United ]
+ Blessed Be Your Name-Matt Redman ]
+ Always-Hillsong United ]
+ Still-Hillsong ]
+ Heart Of Worship-Matt Redman ]
+ Obvious-Westlife ]
+ You Raise Me Up-Westlife ]
+ I Want It That Way-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Shape Of My Heart-Backstreet Boys ]
+ Flying Without Wings-Westlife ]
+ Bad Day-Daniel Powter ]
+ Just The Girl-Click 5 ]
+ Burn-Usher ]
+ Can't Help Falling In Love-A*Teens ]
+ Upside Down-A*Teens ]

+_________TaLkInGpOiNt ]